
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Pretty in Pink

I had so much fun coloring a 'different' color hair last week I decided to do it again this week.  I opted for pink this time!  I colored Yumi with my Spectrum Noir markers after stamping her using IMAGINE Crafts®/Tsukineko® Memento™ Dye Ink in Tuxedo Black on Ultra Smooth white card stock.  Here are the colors I used:

Shirt/Shoes: CG1, CG2, CG3 (heart PP2, PP4)
Pants: GB10, EB5, EB8
Hair: PP2, PP4, PP5
Skin: FS2, FS3, FS9 (CR3 in ear)
Eyes: TN3, TN4

I also thought I'd give her a bit of eyeshadow (CG2) to make her super sassy :) I paired the colored image with Authentique's 'Lively' paper, and tied on a pink ribbon topped with a cream bow.  

People often ask me what order I color an image in.  It really doesn't matter, ultimately, but I usually do clothing (shirt first), then hair, and skin last.  But it's a personal choice! 


  1. I LOVE pink hair (well not on me)!! Adorable card!

  2. She looks marrrrvelous with pink hair! What a fun change-up!

  3. Loving the pink hair! Definitely a sassy look.

  4. Fantastic....again!! I think i may have to try the pink hair myself...ON myself :) OH! and the green eyeshadow! So, the birdies are DP? All super cute <3

  5. Pink is my FAVORITE color. I am just lovin' her pink hair! :)

  6. What a happy pink and green combo....a fun card indeed!


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